Lion Bunny

Dad says I look like a little lion (or like the Sphinx) when I sit like this:


I guess I do look rather “regal” when I sit like that, don’t I?

Still, I suppose it’s a better image than “little brown bear,” which is mum and dad’s other cutesy nickname for me.


Betsy's New Portrait







8 responses to “Lion Bunny”

  1. Freckles and Deb Avatar

    You do look very regal. We shalt call thee Queen Betsy henceforth!

  2. Glenna, Pink, Peaches and Elvis Avatar

    You look like a very regal little brown bear!

  3. D.C. Moll Avatar

    Do you have a riddle to go with your sphinx persona?

  4. Silver Avatar

    This looks bad. A rabbit and a stew pot in the same photo.

  5. Katie Avatar

    That’s so cute – you do look like a sphinx … but wrong animal! 😛

  6. Crafty green poet Avatar

    yes definitely regal…

  7. Keith Avatar

    For those not “in the know,” the stew pot (cast iron of course) is there as a weight – a doorstop, if you will – to keep the buns’ door closed at night so they don’t escape. (Because the buns are QUITE STRONG!)

  8. Miss Eve Avatar

    I like your sphinx pose – I might try and do the same, see what I can achieve …