Exploring the Dining Room (Again)

It’s just a fun place to be!

gus in the dining room

Until dad shows up with his camera.

gus looks into the camera

Dad, what ARE you doing?

gus closeup

Betsy wonders the same thing, but from a safe distance.

betsy settles on the other side of the table

Watch out Betsy – dad’s watching!

betsy is wary of the camera

Time to settle down for a bit. Maybe dad will leave us alone if we just sit really still.

gus and betsy through the underside of the dining room table

Yep, it worked!







5 responses to “Exploring the Dining Room (Again)”

  1. The Bunns Avatar

    You guys are cupcakes, Gus. Real peaches, so to speak. There do not seem to be any chew marks on those legs … maybe you need to throw a party !!!!

  2. bunnygirl Avatar

    Yes, that’s how you do it, kids. Settle down and act quiet, then you’ll be left alone!

  3. Usagi Gohiki Avatar

    I can’t say I blame dad for wanting snap photos of such cute bunnies!

  4. furrybutts Avatar

    You buns need to get used to the camera, cos us humans are never going to stop taking pictures of cute bunnies!

  5. D.C. Moll Avatar

    Training humans is hard, but worth it in the long run.
    -Tyler and Sydney