New Space (Again)

This weekend dad went and re-arranged our space… again.

new bunspace

He took away some things (which is OK, they were cluttering up the space) and added some other things that I’m none too sure about.

bun cave

Dad was hovering around, watching us, waiting for us to go into it. But we didn’t pay it any attention – at least while he was looking!

bunspace from above

Here you can see the area from above. You’ll also notice our food was provided on schedule this time – much better, dad.

But we’ll see about that new… thing… you put in here.








6 responses to “New Space (Again)”

  1. The Bunns Avatar

    That Dad is obsessed …. get him a book on bunny-shui …….

  2. Fiona Bun Avatar

    We have one of those, but it belongs to the stupid cat.

  3. Freckles and Deb Avatar

    That thing looks really cool! But, you are smart to pretend to ignore it until your dad loses interest. Don’t want him to get too full of himself!

  4. Ang~la Avatar

    omg its a pig, or a cat, or something! Its cute! my guess is the buns will hate it. they hate change.

  5. Keith Avatar

    It was supposed to be a cat, but we tried tying the tail up to make a bunny tail instead. 😉

    And yes, I’m sure they will hate it too. They disapprove of everything, after all!

  6. zinger Avatar

    i hate it when my mum does that too … but after a while, i like it!