A Day in the Life of Betsy

Dad thought it would be fun to chronicle a “day in the life of Betsy.” So he did. But not with my help!

lurking betsy

Is it morning? Do I have to get up?

betsy peeking out

Oh, you say you’ve got treats? Well then I might come out.

betsy looks on in horror

BUUUURP! That was a good breakfast, dad. Now get out of here! I’ve got important business to attend to!

betsy flop in temple


betsy naps

Well, I made it into your office. Time for another nap.

betsy flop

…And another.

betsy flop - other way round

You can never have too many naps.

sleepy betsy flop

After some serious self-grooming, I think I deserve a nap.

more sleepy betsy flop

Why yes, that is my fur. I like to keep my napping places smelling like me!

betsy chillin

What a busy day! Thanks for dinner, dad. I think I’ll lay down with Gus now for an after-dinner nap. Oh, it’s the end of the day? Sweet! Now I can go to bed!








6 responses to “A Day in the Life of Betsy”

  1. Fiona Bun Avatar

    Are you sure you got enough napping in? One has to be careful to get enought in.

  2. The Bunns Avatar

    Yes, definitley need more napping … and chewing .. and pooping …. lots of opportunity for improvement there Betsy … but, all in all, it sure looked like a fne day!

  3. mum of critters Avatar

    what a great life! much like a dogs life too

  4. Katie Avatar

    That sounds like a brilliant way to spend the day. Perhaps I need to try that sometime. I have a sneaking suspicion that that’s what Puddy does day-in and day-out too! 😛

  5. Gus Avatar

    Betsy would reply to you all, but she’s busy napping.

    And dad doesn’t take pictures of the chewing or the pooping, so Betsy couldn’t include those in her post – but don’t worry, we do lots of chewing. And pooping. Oh yes.

  6. Freckles and Deb Avatar

    Viewing all that napping made us kind of sleepy. We’ll be back after our nap!