Month: February 2008

  • New Rug

    This weekend, dad brought home a new rug for our corner of the house. It’s pretty nice. I’m cool with it, anyway. Though I don’t know how Betsy will take it – she never likes change. Still… I wonder how it tastes? -Gus

  • My Favorite Spot

    My favorite spot is on top of this white box in dad’s office. I love to flop out there and take a nap in the middle of the day. Sometimes though, you have to flop over to get a good angle for grooming your paws and your ears. Long ears like these require lots of…

  • Mr. Pinkerton for President!

    I read about Mr. Pinkerton this morning thanks to Lola. What a great idea! A rabbit running (or is is “hopping?”) for president – and a white & pink-eyed bunny, just like me! I fully endorse this candidate! -Gus

  • My Litter-Mates?

    I’m not sure, but these rabbits came from the same city (Fitchburg, MA) where I used to live and where my mom found me. Maybe they are my litter-mates and close relatives? Either way, I am glad they are safe now. They sure do look like me, though!! -Gus

  • Dad Made Carrot Cake

    Again with the carrot cake, dad. I don’t know why you bother, just the carrots themselves are fine by me. In fact, I think they’re the best! And what’s this about “Rabbit pr0n?” Oh my…! -Gus

  • I Demand Treats

    “You shall not pass!…” “…Until you give me a papaya tablet.” -Gus

  • February is “Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month”

    I heard today that February is Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month. Being that I am a rescued rabbit (and so is Betsy, sort of),  I can’t help but try to spread the word about things like this. When dad set up this site for me and Betsy, I had hoped that at least one person…

  • Game?

    Dad told me about this “tagged” thing that Rabbits Guy did to us, he called it a “meme?” I’ll have to get Gus to help me look that word up. Anyway, dad said we had to list 3 things that we’ve never done before and that we’d like to do if we wouldn’t get in…

  • Fridge Thing

    Everyone seems to be taking pictures of their fridges lately. Dad thought this would be a fun thing to do, so he took a picture, too. Honestly, I think it would be better to be IN the fridge, rather than looking at a picture of it. Though looking at this picture, I can tell that…