
So it looks like we’ve moved. I have to say, I disapprove of the way we moved. First, we were taken to my dad’s office to spend the day there. It was OK; I always liked that office – lots of room to run around – but I don’t like having to ride in the car.

Then when we got home, all the furniture except for the bed was gone. So Betsy and I hid under the bed that night.

The next day, dad and mom took the bed apart and got rid of it as well. It was a little bit unsettling because now there was nothing in the apartment – just us. And everything sounds different when there’s no furniture around. So it was a bit upsetting, I have to say. That night, I guess mom and dad stayed in a “hotel” and left us here. It was dark and quiet and kind of scary in a way. But then, the next day, we got packed up in the car and took the longest car ride I’ve ever had in my whole life. Actually, towards the end, I didn’t mind so much. I was getting used to the way the car moves, and it wasn’t so bad.

When we got to our new place, I just had to look around. It’s pretty nice – I spent quite a bit of time marking everything with my chin – and there are some new places to hide under, like the desk, the dining room table, and some new thing… a “coffee table.” We never used to have one of those.

I’ve gotten pretty used to it, now that we’re back in a routine. My dad stays home all day now on the computer, and it’s nice to have him around. I even sometimes come out and lie at his feet for a bit, just to let him know I appreciate the extra treats he gives me when mom’s not looking!


Gus’s Portrait


